Last week we had a special visit and chat with the Honourable Filomena Tassi, our Member of Parliament for Hamilton West, Ancaster and Dundas and the Minister of Seniors. It was an awesome opportunity for our students to hear first hand about what it’s like to work in government, real life benefits of learning French, stories from Parliament Hill and to ask any questions that they were curious about.
Filomena has generously visited us for a few summers now as we have been participating in the Canada Summer Jobs program. One of our main goals is creating spaces and opportunities for students to learn and grow their confidence in French and this also extends to our summer team. We work hard to create meaningful work opportunities that help young adults who are interested in pursuing a career in French, French teaching or working with children. We also want to work to create more job opportunities as our Petites Pommes grow up and start looking for summer jobs as well! We are very excited fo the day when we have a summer team made up of all past Les Petites Pommes students! Check out the video below to see more about our special visit last week.
The Honourable Filomena Tassi, our Member of Parliament for Hamilton West–Ancaster– and Dundas, and who is also the Minster of Seniors visits Les Petites Pommes!
I currently have a supply list request on my desk that features the following items:
- 5 miniature light bulbs rated 2.5V0.3A
- 5 miniature bulb holders with circular plastic bases
- 3 size-D batteries
- Electrical tape
- 6 alligator clip wires
- pH testing strips ranging from 4.5 to 9.0
- 1 Bike tire
- 1 Car tire
- 1 Plate
- Piece of aluminum foil (3”-4” in width)
- 1 LED light bulb
- 5 zinc washers, size #10
…and more very random items!
Never have I had this type of supply list for any of our other camps over the past 10 years but it makes sense when I tell you it’s for our next very special camp which is running August 12-16: STEM Camp! Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics…all taught in French. Can it get any more specialized than this? Oh yes, it can, because we are also planning a trip during the week to a real lab at McMaster University. This is going to be a very rich and memorable week!
@Lppcamp Post of the Week!: At all of our camps we post a board that says exactly what we got up to during the day! If you are in a rush coming in or out, don’t sweat it! Lots of parents like to take pictures of the board so they can ask their child/children more in-depth questions of what they got up to and these specific questions also yield more specific answers! For example, “what did you do today?” a common very vague question with common answers like, “a lot”, “I can’t remember”, “I don’t know”, “French”. Some better questions might be “I see you learnt 5 new words today, can you teach me them?”, “What did you write in your journal at the end of the day?”, “What was your favourite game you played today?”, “What was the book about that you read after lunch?”. Let us help you get the conversations and connection rolling! Check out the board! 🙂
MILESTONE ALERT: This week, our traveling team Jackie and Jaclyn had their first day at our new location in Burlington! They are going to be there for the next 4 weeks and this is extra special because it is our first week having a camp in Burlington and also because our Guelph camp has just started this week as well so it is the first time in Les Petites Pommes history we’ve had 3 locations running at the same time! What a fun and exciting summer! We look forward to growing and serving more communities, thanks for being part of our family!
We hope you have an awesome day!