I said YES to the dress! J’ai dit OUI à la robe!

Photo of author

By Mary Clements


I said “YES” to the dress! or en français, “J’ai dit “OUI” à la robe!”. I wanted to share this picture because I’m excited about my upcoming wedding, but really because I am proudly wearing my Les Petites Pommes shirt during my milestone moment! As I reflected more on it, it turns out I’ve been rocking my LPP shirt during many milestone moments and fun times over the years! Also, when I’m out and about it’s always a conversation starter. Sometimes when people see it they’ll automatically say “Tu parles français?” and then we proceed to have a French conversation. Other times, they’ll talk about their experiences learning French, how they wished they could speak it, travel memories they have and so on. Many conversation and connections have been made just by wearing my LPP shirt. I’ve also worn my shirt to many different countries including, Spain (pictured below), Italy and France just in the past 3 years! I’m always so proud to talk about how awesome our students and families are no matter where I go. Also pictured below is a photo of John and I when we ran 30km together in our LPP shirts for the Hamilton Around The Bay Roadrace! John had never ran over 4km before and we quickly blew by that and made it to 30km over 5 months of training! These are just some of the fond memories I’ve had with my LPP shirt 🙂

As summer has progressed, we’ve handed out lots of T-Shirts to our Petites Pommes now and I want to send an invitation to all of you to share a pic of our Petites Pommes outside of camp, around town, traveling, doing something awesome, something funny, a milestone moment or anything you’d like to share with us!

Our traveling team of Jackie and Jaclyn are in their third week at our new Burlington location! It’s been so awesome meeting our new Petites Pommes and as I mentioned in a previous newsletter, we love the opportunities offered by the small class sizes! We love/know how to create awesome experiences for our students whether it’s for 3 or 30 students! There’s still one more week left here August 26-30th! This is an extra great week for French camp because it gets the students ready for back-to-school 🙂


@LPPCAMP Instagram Post of the week: This summer we have had lots of our leadership students volunteering at our various locations of camps! Here is Marissa in Guelph. They have been reading with students, helping them with writing activities, playing games and being great role models to our younger campers! It’s so amazing to see all of the leadership skills they were working on at the beginning of the summer during camp in practice and watching them develop it into their own personal version! If they ever need a reference letter for an award or application, we are happy to provide them with this as we have lots of specific examples of them being positive leaders and working hard to draw from!