Verbs, get your verbs here! (ER Verbs Specifically!)

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By Mary Clements

As promised, we are continuing our exploration of basic French foundations, as inspired by common questions from our tutoring students this time of year.

I pop-quizzed one of my grade 8 students on the topic from last week (4 verbs every student should memorize: Avoir, Être, Faire and Aller) and he insisted it was not necessary. After he corrected his own pop-quiz he said “gimme those practice sheets” LOL  If you missed last week, click the link above to catch up 🙂 Great for students grade 1 to grade 8 for review.

This week we are looking ER verbs! What I see often is that students miss or don’t understand the basic formula for conjugating ER, IR and RE verbs. This is a very important foundation that causes a lot of stress when missed and it can go on for years. One time I had a grade 9 students who struggled greatly with conjugating verbs and I simply explained this to her in English and showed her the pattern and it was never an issue again. All those years of struggle solved so simply!

Download Review Sheets

It’s that time of year again….READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS! and there’s still time to vote! Thank you so much for nominating us for Best Tutoring Service, Best French Lessons and Best in Adult Education again this year! We are constantly thinking of better ways to serve our families and we are so appreciative of those who have nominated and voted for us again this year 🙂 Happy Readers Choice! Voting takes place until October 14th and can be done by visit here:

Working away on last weeks reviews sheets! 🙂 If you or your child have any questions about the review sheets, send us an email or give us a call! @LPPCamp Instagram post of the week! Here is a picture of John and our prep-class students out on a beautiful hike exploring nature and connecting their French to the world around them! What is our Prep-Class? It’s for students ages 3-5 and it is meant to introduce children to French in a fun and engaging way: we play, we sing, we do crafts, and we take explore the outdoors. Each topic has an activity to reinforce the use of the concepts to make the ideas more real for our young learners.


@LPPCamp Instagram post of the week!: Here is a picture of John and our prep-class students out on a beautiful hike exploring nature and connecting their French to the world around them! What is our Prep-Class? It’s for students ages 3-5 and it is meant to introduce children to French in a fun and engaging way: we play, we sing, we do crafts, and we take explore the outdoors. Each topic has an activity to reinforce the use of the concepts to make the ideas more real for our young learners.

We have students from a variety of backgrounds including pre-school, homeschool, and even the beginning elementary grades. Our focus is always on speaking and understanding French that is spoken so that the children can feel confident moving forward in French or even before they’ve begun their journey at school. In some cases, the program has even been used to prepare a child for transition to full French schooling and the assessment that comes prior to registration.

Not only do the children have their teacher as a model for how to speak, but our slightly older students model for and encourage our younger ones – especially when it comes to the everyday sayings like “please” and “good-bye” that are taught organically.

Above all, we want children to feel good about French and to take joy in using it, no matter the activity, and so we work hard to live fully our motto “Fun in French.”

French Prep Class runs all school year on Tuesdays and Fridays at our Hamilton location 🙂